onsdag, augusti 09, 2006

Nu jublar sionist-högern...

Den palestinska premiärministern (Hamas) förklarar att det är tveksamt om den palestinska myndigheten kan fortsätta att existera när så många av dess ministrar och ledare sitter i fängelse i Israel, samtidigt som Israel gör allt för att förstöra landet.

På min favorithemsida, www.ynetnews.com, så fanns det många glada judiska kommentarer till detta. Här är en som är ganska representativ, något grövre än medel kanske, men inte mycket. På engelska, från Sao Paolo:

Let palis get rid of that "authority",and start thinking in a better life far from Israel,among their owns.

Arabs can arrange for them a beautiful land,where all of them will become prosperous farmers,or what ever they want,and will finally leave Israel alone!

These people must understand ,once and for all ,that Israel is exactly in its right place and there it will be FOR EVER!And they must understand that them and Jews don't fit one to another.
Palis must start envisioning the meaning of LIFE not of death,and they must start thinking on it FAR from they are now.

I am waiting for the hopefully very near day,when all the money that has been wasted in palis,to start being used to help them to love life far from us and forget about us!
It is more than about the time already!

And the same aplies to muslism living in Israel,they must leave as well.And even not muslims arabs,who are not loyal
to Israel must leave too.

Israel is a JEWISH Country,a JEWISH dream,was and is fought by JEWS and belong to them.Period!
Arabs don't accept this reality,but ,well...that's their problem,not Israel's problem.Sooner or sooner they MUST go to where they belong!

Israel must seek the path of happiness and get rid of ALL its obstacles in its path!And Be Ezrat HaShem ,so it is and so it will be.

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